How to Fix Glitchy Audio Wuthering Waves? [2024]

Wuthering Waves, the highly anticipated free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by Kuro Games, has taken the gaming world by storm since its release. With its immersive storyline, captivating graphics, and intense combat sequences, the game has amassed a massive following of dedicated players.

However, as with any game of this magnitude, players have encountered various issues, including glitchy audio, which can significantly disrupt the overall gaming experience.

Glitchy audio can manifest in different ways, such as crackling, popping, or even complete sound dropouts, leaving players with an incomplete and unsatisfying auditory experience.

This issue can be particularly frustrating, as audio plays a crucial role in setting the mood, conveying essential information, and enhancing the overall immersion in the game world.

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the causes of glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves and provide you with a range of solutions to help you overcome this issue and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

Understanding the Causes of Glitchy Audio

Before we explore the solutions, it’s essential to understand the potential causes of glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves. According to the information provided, lag, stutter, and FPS drops are primarily caused by server issues.

These server-related problems can lead to audio glitches, as the game’s audio files may not be processed or streamed correctly due to network latency or server overload.

However, it’s important to note that glitchy audio can also arise from other factors, such as outdated or corrupt audio drivers, hardware compatibility issues, or even conflicts with other software running on your system.

Waiting for Server Fixes

As mentioned, server issues are a significant contributing factor to lag, stutter, and FPS drops, which can ultimately lead to glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves. The developers at Kuro Games are constantly working to identify and resolve these server-related problems, ensuring a smooth gaming experience for all players.

While waiting for the developers to address the server issues, it’s recommended to exercise patience and monitor official channels for updates and announcements regarding server maintenance or fixes. Once the server issues are resolved, the glitchy audio should be alleviated, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the game’s captivating soundscape.

Temporary Solutions

While waiting for the developers to resolve the server issues, there are several temporary solutions you can try to mitigate or reduce the occurrence of glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves.

Disable NVIDIA DLSS, Reflex, and V-Sync

If you’re using an NVIDIA graphics card, it’s recommended to disable certain features that may contribute to audio glitches or other performance issues. These features include NVIDIA DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), Reflex, and V-Sync.

Disable NVIDIA DLSS, Reflex, and V-Sync

To disable these features, follow these steps:

  1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting “NVIDIA Control Panel.”
  2. In the Control Panel, navigate to the “Manage 3D Settings” section.
  3. Under the “Program Settings” tab, select “Wuthering Waves” from the drop-down menu or add it manually if it’s not listed.
  4. Scroll down to the “DLSS” setting and select “Off” from the drop-down menu.
  5. Scroll down to the “Reflex” setting and select “Off” from the drop-down menu.
  6. Scroll down to the “Vertical Sync” setting and select “Off” from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click “Apply” to save the changes.

Disabling these features may help alleviate audio glitches by reducing the overall system load and potential conflicts with the game’s audio processing.

Change Screen Mode to Full Screen

Another potential solution is to change the game’s screen mode to full screen. Running the game in windowed or borderless mode can sometimes cause audio issues due to conflicts with other running applications or system processes.

To change the screen mode to full screen, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Wuthering Waves.
  2. Navigate to the game’s settings menu.
  3. Locate the “Display” or “Video” settings section.
  4. Change the “Screen Mode” or “Display Mode” setting to “Full Screen.”
  5. Apply the changes and restart the game.

Running the game in full-screen mode can help eliminate potential conflicts and improve overall performance, potentially resolving the glitchy audio issue.

Lower Graphics Settings

While Wuthering Waves is known for its stunning visuals, running the game on high graphics settings can put a significant strain on your system’s resources, including the audio processing capabilities. Lowering the graphics settings can help alleviate this strain and potentially resolve glitchy audio issues.

To lower the graphics settings, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Wuthering Waves.
  2. Navigate to the game’s settings menu.
  3. Locate the “Graphics” or “Video” settings section.
  4. Lower the overall graphics quality settings to a lower preset (e.g., “Medium” or “Low”).
  5. Alternatively, you can adjust individual graphics settings such as texture quality, shadow quality, and anti-aliasing to find a balance between visual quality and performance.
  6. Apply the changes and restart the game.

By reducing the graphics load, your system will have more resources available for audio processing, potentially resolving or reducing the occurrence of glitchy audio.

Update Graphics Driver

Outdated or corrupt graphics drivers can also contribute to audio glitches and other performance issues in Wuthering Waves. Ensuring that your graphics drivers are up-to-date can help resolve these issues and improve overall system stability.

To update your graphics driver, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your graphics card manufacturer (e.g., NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel).
  2. Visit the manufacturer’s website and navigate to the driver download section.
  3. Enter your graphics card model and operating system information to find the appropriate driver.
  4. Download the latest driver version and follow the installation instructions provided.
  5. Once the installation is complete, restart your system.

Updating your graphics driver can help resolve compatibility issues, optimize performance, and potentially fix glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves.


Glitchy audio can be a frustrating issue that disrupts the immersive gaming experience in Wuthering Waves. While server issues are a significant contributing factor, there are several temporary solutions you can try to mitigate or reduce the occurrence of this problem.

By disabling NVIDIA DLSS, Reflex, and V-Sync, changing the screen mode to full screen, lowering graphics settings, and updating your graphics driver, you can potentially alleviate glitchy audio and enjoy a more seamless gaming experience.

However, it’s important to note that these solutions are temporary and may not completely resolve the issue. The ultimate fix lies in the developers at Kuro Games addressing and resolving the server-related problems that are causing lag, stutter, and FPS drops.

As dedicated players, it’s essential to exercise patience and monitor official channels for updates and announcements regarding server maintenance or fixes. Once the server issues are resolved, the glitchy audio should be alleviated, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the captivating world of Wuthering Waves.

Remember, gaming is meant to be an enjoyable experience, and by following the solutions outlined in this article, you can take steps to mitigate glitchy audio and enhance your overall gaming experience in Wuthering Waves.

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Here are some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) related to fixing glitchy audio in the game Wuthering Waves:

Q1: Why is my audio glitchy in Wuthering Waves?

The primary cause of glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves is server issues that lead to lag, stutter, and FPS drops, which can disrupt the game’s audio processing and streaming.

Q2: Will lowering my graphics settings fix the glitchy audio?

Lowering the graphics settings can help alleviate glitchy audio by reducing the overall strain on your system’s resources, including audio processing. However, it may not completely resolve the issue if the root cause is server-related.

Q3: Should I disable NVIDIA DLSS, Reflex, and V-Sync to fix the audio glitches?

Yes, disabling NVIDIA DLSS, Reflex, and V-Sync can help reduce potential conflicts and system load, potentially resolving or reducing glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves.

Q4: Will updating my graphics driver help with glitchy audio?

Updating your graphics driver to the latest version can help resolve compatibility issues and optimize performance, which may indirectly improve audio processing and reduce glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves.

Q5: Is changing the screen mode to full screen recommended for fixing glitchy audio?

Running Wuthering Waves in full-screen mode can help eliminate potential conflicts with other applications or system processes, potentially resolving glitchy audio issues.

Q6: What should I do if the temporary solutions don’t work?

If the temporary solutions mentioned in this article (disabling NVIDIA features, lowering graphics settings, updating graphics driver, and changing screen mode) don’t work, the best course of action is to wait for the developers at Kuro Games to address and resolve the server issues causing lag, stutter, and FPS drops.

Q7: Can glitchy audio damage my audio hardware or speakers?

In most cases, glitchy audio in Wuthering Waves is unlikely to cause physical damage to your audio hardware or speakers. However, it’s always a good practice to keep your audio volumes at a reasonable level to avoid potential issues.

Q8: Is there a way to report or provide feedback on glitchy audio issues?

Yes, most game developers have dedicated channels or forums for players to report issues and provide feedback. Check the official Wuthering Waves website or community forums for ways to report glitchy audio issues or submit bug reports.

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